Mastering Linked List Made Simple: Your Easy Guide to Data Structures !
Deletion in Circular Linked List code [C++] :
#include<iostream>using namespace std;class Node{public:int data;Node* next;Node(int val){this->data = val;this->next= this;}};int length(Node* head, Node* tail){Node* temp = head;int cnt = 1;while(temp != tail){temp = temp->next;cnt++;}return cnt;}void insert(Node* &head, Node* &tail, int data, int pos){// Step 1: Creation of new NodeNode* newNode = new Node(data);// Step 2: Empty list handleif(head == NULL){head = newNode;tail = newNode;return;}// Step 3: Non-empty list handle// Sub-1if(pos == 1){newNode->next = head;tail->next = newNode;head =newNode;return;}// Sub-2int len = length(head, tail);if(pos == len+1){newNode->next = head;tail->next = newNode;tail =newNode;return;}// Sub-3Node* back = NULL;Node* front = head;int cnt = 1;while(cnt<pos){back = front;front = front->next;cnt++;}newNode->next = front;back->next = newNode;}void deletion(Node* &head, Node* &tail, int pos){// Step 1: Handle empty list caseif(head == NULL){cout<<"List is empty";return;}// Step 2: Handle non empty list case// Sub-1if(pos == 1){tail->next = head->next;head->next = NULL;head = tail->next;return;}// Sub-2int len = length(head,tail);if(pos == len){Node* temp = head;while(temp->next != tail){temp =temp->next;}temp->next = head;tail->next = NULL;tail = temp;return;}// Sub-3Node* back = NULL;Node* front = head;int cnt=1;while(cnt<pos){back = front;front = front->next;cnt++;}back->next = front->next;front->next = NULL;}void print(Node* head){if(head == NULL){cout<<"List is empty";return;}Node* temp = head;cout<<temp->data<<" ";while(temp->next != head){temp = temp->next;cout<<temp->data<<" ";}}int main(){Node* head = NULL;Node* tail = NULL;insert(head,tail,4,7);insert(head,tail,2,1);insert(head,tail,8,3);insert(head,tail,6,3);insert(head,tail,10,5);insert(head,tail,12,6);deletion(head,tail,1);deletion(head,tail,5);deletion(head,tail,3);print(head);return 0;}
Hey, thanks for watching our video about Linked list ! In this video we’ll walk you through:
- Concept
- Deletion in circular linked list
- Steps in deletion
- Cases and subcases
- Code
All codes are available at my GitHub account, check them out here:
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0:00 Intro
00:45 Doubt solving
10:26 Deletion in CLL
10:37 Cases
14:57 Deletion from beginning
19:12 Deletion from end
23:22 Deletion from any position
28:54 Code
35:00 Output
37:10 Outro
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