Theory Of Computation
End Semester Examination, 2021-22
B. Tech - Semester : 04
Time : 03 hrs. - Max. Marks : 100
- All questions are Compulsory
- Assume missing data suitably, if any.
Section : A ( 10 x 4 = 40 Marks )
All questions are compulsory
- Define nondeterministic finite automata (NFA). Draw the NFA for the language L={an b m | n, m >=1}.
- Convert the following NFA to DFA.
- Construct regular expression for the language that consists of all strings ending with 00. Assume ⅀={0, 1}.
- Differentiate Moore machine from Mealy machine. Write the tuple representation for both machines.
- Whether the following grammar is ambiguous?
E-> E+E| E*E|I
I-> 0|1|a|b
For string w= a+b*a - Prove that the following Language L = { a^n b^n c^n } is not Context Free.
- Define derivation Tree. Show the derivation tree for string 'aabbbb' with the following grammar S->AB/∈, A->ab, B->Sb.
- Define a deterministic PDA. How a DPDA differs from a non-deterministic PDA?
- Explain the concept of Turning Machine? Give the representation of a Turning machine.
- Write a short note on Halting Problem Of Tuning Machine.
Section : B ( 3 x 6 = 18 Marks )
All questions are compulsory
- Eliminate the unit Production from the given Grammar-
S→Ab/B/a, A→bB/S, B→aAb/b
Reduce the given CFG to Greibach normal form S→AB, A→BSB, A→BB, B→aAb - Design a DPDA for the language L ={WcW^R | W={a,b,c}+ }.
Design a NDPDA for the language L ={WW^R | W={a,b}+ }. - Define PCP. Let A = {1, 110, 0111} and B = {111, 001, 11} and ⅀ = {0, 1}. Find the solution of PCP.
Write short note on: i) Universal Turning Machine. ii) PCP Problem and Modified PCP Problem.
Section : C ( 3 x 10 = 30 Marks )
All questions are compulsory
- Write the procedure to convert a given CFG into equivalent grammar in CNF. Apply the procedure and convert the grammar with following production into CNF: S→bA|aB, A→bAA|aS|a, B→aBB|bS|b.
Let G be the grammar S→0B|1A, A→0|0S|1AA, B→1|1S|0BB
For the string 00110101, find:
(i) The leftmost derivation.
(ii) The rightmost derivation.
(iii) The derivation tree. - Construct a PDA M equivalent to grammar with following productions:
S→aAA, A→aS / bS / a
Also, check whether the string 'abaaaa' is in M or not.
Prove the equivalence of acceptance of a PDA by final state and empty stack for this given language-- L ={a^n b^n, n>=1} - Design a TM for the following language: L ={ a^n b^n c^n | n≥1 }.
Design Two Stack PDA for the following language:
L = {a^n b^n c^n | n≥1}.
Section : D ( 1 x 12 = 12 Marks )
All questions are compulsory
- Design a TM for the following language:
(i) 1's complement for binary number {0,1}
(ii) 2's complement for binary number {0,1}
Design a PDA for the following language:
(i) Number of a's is equal to number of b's in a language.
L = {a^n b^m c^n, n,m>=1}
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